Best Online Casino Gambling

Gambling, No I'm not interested.

By Cynthia

However, one Saturday morning, a nice day in May, a good friend of mine I will call Mary appeared at the casino; it was early, 9:30am. She had only been there a short time, thirty minutes minimum. Suddenly something happened! Instantly, she became winner of a new car, a mustang GT and $5,000. Mary, a homeowner and single mother confessed that she badly needed the $5000.00. Mary, an executive administrative assistant worked for an engineering company.

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This person, Mary, my good friend was not a regular visitor at the casino, just needed something to do, something besides staying at home being bored. Mary's son, Dale was visiting his father for the weekend, so Mary was home alone with nothing to do. She and a nearby girlfriend decided the casino. She, my good friend Mary appeared at the casino about once every three months, but always a winner, nothing above $100.00 but always a winner.

I was really truly happy for my friend, but couldn't help thinking that I too badly needed $5,000. Did I consider gambling? Gambling, No I'm not interested. I have bills way up the hill causing me to lose my appetite and sleep. Did I consider gambling? Gambling, no, I'm not interested.

After winning the new car and the $5000, she, my good friend Mary continued visiting the casino and continued winning, the same exact one where she became winner of her new car and the $5000. Her visitation pattern, however, going to the casino remained the same, once every three months.

Going to the casino was not a daily or weekly occurrence just because of winning a new car and $5000. It did not become habit. Gambling like cigarette smoking can become habit, but she, my good friend Mary said no, no I'm not interested.

Another good friend I will call Jane appeared at the casino on a Friday evening after work. It was just a week before Christmas. Jane was an accountant. She worked for very large and successful accounting firm in downtown Detroit. Jane had received from her employer a nice sized Christmas bonus, $3,000.00. Jane and some friends from work, three of them after receiving their Christmas bonus decided to go out somewhere for fun; they decided the casino.

Unlike Mary, Jane had never been exposed to casino gambling; she was visiting for the very first time. Jane was single and liked things of high quality and she owned things of high quality: a BMW 740, diamonds, and a tri-level condominium in the suburbs of Detroit. Before leaving the casino that evening with her work friends, Jane lost $100.00 but became winner of $2000.00. Jane, suddenly liked casino gambling, she returned that next evening, alone. Jane, before leaving became winner of $1,000.00. Two days in a row, Jane an amateur casino gambler became winner of a lot of money. Suddenly, she's very interested in casino gambling. Jane, sometimes with her work friends and sometimes alone appeared at the casino every Friday evening after work; her winnings were far more than her loses. Gambling, no I'm not interested.

It had been approximately three maybe four months since Jane's first visit at the casino. Like usual, Jane appeared at the casino on a Friday evening after work. Before leaving she was winner of $500.00 but lost nearly $9,000 needed for payment, many of her monthly bills. Jane returned to the casino the very next day and lost $2,500, unbelievable. That Saturday afternoon, Jane left the casino drunk. On the way home, Jane was in a serious car accident, she survived but the driver of the other car did not.

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Unlike Mary, Jane became a regular visitor at the casino. She, Jane unknowingly incurred a habit, casino gambling and another one, alcohol drinking. These two ugly very things the casino gambling and alcohol drinking caused her two very serious very ugly wrecks, one the car wreck and two a personal wreck. She wrecked both her car and her life. Others like Jane have incurred a habit unknowingly, casino gambling and another one alcohol drinking. I've got bills way up the hill causing me to lose my appetite and sleep but gambling, no I'm not interested.


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